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See Also:
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - OFFENCE OF MURDER - Essential elements of the offence of murder
"...In order to secure a conviction in a murder trial the prosecution is duty bound to prove the following essential elements of the offence beyond reasonable doubt, to wit:- i.…
- OFFENCE OF MURDER - Ingredients of the offence of murder; Ways of proving the offence of murder
LENEE OKERE v. THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE (2021-LCER-40492-SC) "At page 3 of the record, the Appellant with others was charged amongst other things with murder contrary to Section 319(1)…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - OFFENCE OF MURDER - Ingredients of the offence of murder; Ways of proving the offence of murder
"At page 3 of the record, the Appellant with others was charged amongst other things with murder contrary to Section 319(1) of the Criminal Code, Cap.37. Laws of Rivers State,…