“There is also the term “reward”, which looks formidable. Its normal meaning, as given in that Dictionary, is this: “A return or recompense made to, or received by a person for some service or merit, or for hardship endured.”
Per VAHE ROBERT BAIRAMIAN, JSC in MGBEMENE V. I.G.P. (1963) LCER-249(SC) (Pp 4 – 5 Paras F – A)
See Also:
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "CHARGE" - Meaning of "charge"
"a charge is a formal accusation of an offence as preliminary step to prosecution - as in "murder charge". Also termed Criminal Charge. See BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 11TH EDITION (2019)…
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "ELECTION" - Meaning of "election"
"Black's Law Dictionary, 9th Edition at page 595, defines election as follows:- "1. The exercise of a choice; especially, the act of choosing from several possible rights or remedies in…
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "NEGOTIATION" - Meaning of "negotiation"
"The noun 'negotiation' is from the verb 'negotiate' which according to the Webster's Universal Dictionary and Thesaurus published in 2005 by Geddes & Grosset, 'negotiate' means "to discuss, bargain, in…