LEGAL PRACTITIONER – CONDUCT OF COUNSEL – Duty of counsel not to conduct himself in a manner that may obstruct delay or adversely affect the administration of justice


“The counsel responsible for this appeal is hereby reminded of the combination of Rules 30 and 32 (2)(j) & (k) of the Rules of Professional Conduct for Legal Practitioners, 2007 – the RPC frowns at this conduct. Rules 30 and 32 (2)(j) & (k) of the RPC are as follows- 30. A lawyer is an officer of Court and accordingly, he shall not do any act or conduct himself in a manner that may obstruct, delay or adversely affect the administration of justice. 2. In presenting a matter to the Court, a lawyer shall (not) (j) promote a case which to his knowledge is false. (k) in any other way do or perform any act which obviously amounts to an abuse of the process of the Court or which is dishonourable and unworthy of an officer of the law charged, as a lawyer, with the duty of aiding in the administration of justice. I notice, these days: either for quick financial gains or for the purpose of making the numbers of Supreme Court appearances required to support application for the conferment of the privilege of the rank of Senior Advocate of Nigeria, lawyers are becoming rather reckless in the manner they approached and inundate this Court with all manners of appeals. As a word is enough…I say no more.” Per EKO, J.S.C. in ATTO MABA v. THE STATE (2020- LCER-39168-SC) at p. 33 – p. 34

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