Click to View1995(SC)1961(SC)1962(SC)1963(SC)1964(SC)1965(SC)1968(SC)1970(SC)1972(SC)1974(SC)1975(SC)1982(SC)1983(SC)1984 (SC)1984(SC)1985(SC)(1985)1985(SC)1985(SC)1985(SC)1986)1986(SC)1986(SC)22021(CA)2024)2024 (SC)2024(SC)2024”(SC)(2024(SC)202(SC)ABBA-AJI JSCJurisdictionAbubakar JSCAbuse of Court Or Judicial Process(es)Abuse of Court ProcessAcademic IssuesAcademic or Hypothetical Issues in Appeals or SuitsAcademic or Hypothetical QuestionsAcademic or Hypothetical Question(s) IssuesAcademic SuitAccelerated Hearing"Accommodation"AccompliceAccreditation of VotersAccusedAccused PersonAcquiescenceAcquisition of LandActio Personalis Morituri Cum PersonaACTIONACTION - Claim(s)ACTIONAdah J.S.C.Adah JSCAdah JSCAdah JSC 2024(SC)"Address"Address of CounselADEJUMO JSCADEMOLA JSCAdjournmentAdjudicationADMINISTRATION OF ESTATEAdministration of JusticeAdministrative DecisionsADMINISTRATIVE LAWAdministrators or Executors of an EstateAdmissibilityAdmissibility and Weight of Evidence or Probative ValueAdmissibilityAdmissionAdmission or Admitted FactsAdmissionsAdmissions in PleadingsAdmitted FactsKARIBI-WHYTE JSCADUMEIN JSCADUMEIN J.S.C.ADUMEIN JSCAdvance Fee FraudAffidavitAffidavit EvidenceAffidavit of ServiceAffidavit to Show CauseAGENCIESAGENCYAGIM JSCAiding and AbettingAJEGBO JSCAji JSCAji JSC.AlibiAllegation of Non-Compliance with Electoral ActAllegation of Non-Compliance With The Electoral ActAllotment And Partition of Family Land or PropertyAmendmentAmendment of ChargesAmendment of Court PleadingsAmendment of Court ProcessesAmendment of Court Processes or PleadingsAn Issuing and a Paying BankANIAGOLUANIAGOLU JSCApologyAPPEALAPPEALAppeal against Decision/Finding of CourtAPPEALAppeal CourtAPPEALAppeal to Supreme CourtAPPEAL Unappealed Finding(s) Or Decision(s)Appeals from High CourtAppearanceAppearance of CounselAppellant BriefAppellate CourtAppellate CourtsAppellate JurisdictionAppellate ReviewApplicable Law to a SuitApplicant for Extension of TimeApplicationApplication for ConsentApplication For Extension of TimeApplication For InjunctionApplication for LeaveApplication For Leave to AppealApplication of Customary LawApplication to RelistApplication(s)Applications or MotionsArea CourtArmed Forces ActArmed RobberyAssessmentAssessment of DamagesAttemptAttempt to Commit an OffenceAttempted MurderAttorney-GeneralAUCTIONAUCTIONEERAuthenticity of the InformationAUTHORITY OF COUNSELAuthorshipAVIATION LAWAward of DamagesBailBailmentBAIRAMIAN JSCBanker-Customer RelationshipBANKING LAWBAUCHI STATE HIGH COURTBELGORE JSCBELLAMY JSCBELLOBELLO JSC"Beneficial Owner" "Seized in Fee Simple"Benin/Bini Land Tenure SystemBeyond Reasonable DoubtsBias of CourtBill of LadingBindingness of PleadingsBodily HarmBona Fide Purchaser For ValueBoundariesBreachBreach of Code of ConductBreach of ContractBreach of Fair HearingBREACH OF RIGHT TO FAIR HEARINGBRETT FJBRETT JSCBrief of ArgumentBriefs of ArgumentBurden and standard of ProofBurden of ProofBurden Of Proof/Onus Of ProofBurden of Proof or Onus of ProofBurden of Proof Or Standard of ProofCalling of EvidenceCalling of Witness(es)Calling of WitnessesCap 121Capacity to File Election PetitionsCapacity to sue and be SuedCard ReaderCard Reader MachineCarnal KnowledgeCarriage By AirCase for HearingCASE LAWCase of a PartyCASE STATEDCausationCause of ActionCause of DeathCause(s) of ActionCautionCertificate of PurchaseCertificationCERTIORARIChallenge of JurisdictionChambersCharacter EvidenceChargeCharge of RapeCharge of StealingChargesCharge(s)"Charterer" "Charter Party"CHIEFTAINCY LAWCHIEFTAINCY MATTERSCHUKWUDIFU AKUNNE OPUTA JSCCircumstantial EvidenceCIVIL PROCEDURECivil RightsClaim for DamagesClaimsCo-AccusedCo-accused StatementsCodesCOKERCOKER JSCCommencement of Criminal ProceedingCOMMERCIAL LAWCOMMERCIAL LAW - Commercial Letter of CreditCommercial Letter of CreditCommission of a RiotCommission of an OffenceCommission of CrimeCommon IntentCommon IntentionCommunal LandCOMPANY LAWCOMPANY LAW - Business NameCompensationCompetence of CourtCOMPETENT WITNESSComplaints of Undue ReturnComposition of CourtComposition of Real EstateComputation of Time In A Statuteconcurrent findingsConcurrent Legislative PowersCondition PrecedentCondition PrecedentsConditions PrecedentConductConduct of CounselConfessionConfessional EvidenceConfessional StatementConfirmed CreditConflict in AffidavitsCONFLICT OF LAWSConsent JudgmentConsent Of PartiesConsistency in Presentation of A CaseConsolidationConsolidation of CasesConspiracyConstitutionConstitution GrundnormConstitutional InterpretationCONSTITUTIONAL LAWConstitutional ProvisionsConstruction of Document(s)/Instrument(s)Constructive NoticeContempt of CourtContempt of Court/Committal ProceedingsContempt of Court or Committal ProceedingsCONTRACTCONTRACT - Action for Money Had and ReceivedCONTRACT LAWContract of GuaranteeContract of InsuranceContract of Marine InsuranceContract of Sale of GoodsCONTRACT OF SERVICE/CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENTCONTRACT - Quasi-ContractContradictionContradiction in EvidenceContradictionsContradictions in EvidenceControl of ProceedingsConversionConversion/DetinueConveyance by A Beneficial OwnerCONVEYANCESCONVEYANCINGCONVEYANCING LAW - Effect of RegistrationCONVEYANCING LAW - Prioritization of Registered DeedsCONVEYANCING LAW – Registration of InstrumentsCONVEYANCING LAW - Registration of TitleCONVEYANCING - Registration of titleCONVEYANCY LAWConvictionCONVICTION FOR LESSER OFFENCEConviction For MurderConviction of Co-AccusedConviction on AppealConvictionsCORPORATE LAWCorroborationCorroboration or Corroborative EvidenceCorroborative EvidenceCostsCosts In LitigationCounter-ClaimCOURTCourt DecisionsCourt HierarchyCourt Interference With Primary ElectionCOURT - JurisdictionCourt of AppealCourt OrdersCourt OversightCOURT - Power of CourtCourt ProcessCourt Processes Rights of PartiesCOURT - Raising Issue(s) Suo MotuCourt RulingsCourtsCredibilityCredibility and InconsistenciesCredibility of WitnessCredibility of WitnessesCrimeCriminal ActsCriminal CodeCriminal ConspiracyCriminal DefenceCriminal DefencesCriminal IntentionCRIMINAL LAWCRIMINAL LAW AND PRACTICECRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURECRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Attempt to Commit an OffenceCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Attempt to Commit an OffenceCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – ConvictionCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - DEFENCE OF SELF-DEFENCECRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE ICRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – Offence of CheatingCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Offence of ForgeryCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – Offence of Obtaining by False PretencesCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – Offence of Receiving Stolen Goods/PropertyCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Offence of StealingCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – Offence of stealingCRIMINAL LAW. Circumstantial EvidenceCRIMINAL LAW: Defence of InsanityCriminal LiabilityCriminal OffencesCRIMINAL PROCEDURECriminal ProceedingsCriminal ResponsibilityCriminal TrespassCriminal TrialCriminal Trial or ProceedingsCriminal TrialsCross AppealCross-AppealCross-ExaminationCROSS RIVER STATECulpable HomicideCustomary CourtCustomary CourtsCUSTOMARY LAWCUSTOMARY LAW - ACQUISITION OF LANDCustomary Right of OccupancyCustomary Sale of LandCustomary TenancyCustomary TenureCustoms and Excise Management ActDamageDAMAGESDAMAGES - Measure of DamagesDAMAGES - Types of DamagesDate of RegistrationDebtDecisionDecisionsDeclarationDeclaration of TitleDeclaration of Title To LandDeclaratory Judgment or OrderDeclaratory ReliefDecree or EdictDeed of ConveyanceDeemedDefamationDefence of AccidentDefence of AlibiDefence Of DelusionDefence of Delusion or Insane DelusionDefence of InsanityDefence of IntoxicationDefence of ProvocationDefence of Self-DefenceDefence of Self-Defence or ProvocationDefence or Plea of AlibiDefence/Plea of AlibiDefencesDefence(s) of Accused Person(s)Defense of InsanityDefensesDelayDelegation of PowerDelineation of PersonalDelivery of JudgmentDemurrer ProceedingsDenial of Fair Hearingdentification ParadeDeparture from Previous DecisionsDesirable Party(ies)DetinueDevolution of propertyDIGBE JSCDiligent ProsecutionDiplomatic ImmunityDirector of Public ProsecutionDisciplinary ProceedingsDiscrepancy in EvidenceDiscretionDiscretion of CounselDiscretion of CourtDiscretion of the CourtDisenfranchisement Of VotersDismissal of AppealDispute ResolutionDisqualification of CandidateDisqualification of CandidatesDivorce ProceedingsDoctrine of Last SeenDoctrine of Recent PossessionDoctrine of Res JudicataDoctrines of EquityDocument AuthenticityDocumentary CreditDocumentary EvidenceDOCUMENTSDouble CompensationDuplicity of ChargesDuty of a BankDuty of a JudgeDuty of a PartyDuty of CareDUTY OF COUNSELDuty of CourtDuty of INECDUTY OF JUDGEDuty of ProsecutionDuty of the CourtDuty of The SellerDuty of trial CourtDying DeclarationEconomic and Financial Crimes CommissionEDUCATIONEDUCATION - Establishment of UniversityEFFECT OF REGISTRATIONElectionELECTION AND RETURNElection CandidateElection MattersELECTION PETITIONELECTION PETITION – Burden of ProofELECTION PETITION – Polling AgentsElection Petition ProceedingsELECTION PETITION TRIBUNALElection PetitionsELECTION RESULT- Election ResultElection ResultsELECTION TO THE OFFICE OF GOVERNOR OF A STATEElection TribunalElectoral ActElectoral Act 2010Electoral BodyELECTORAL LAWELECTORAL MATTERSELECTORAL MATTERS: Amendment of Election PetitionsElectoral OffencesElementsELIAS CJNELIAS JSCEMPLOYMENT LAWEnforceability of JudgmentsEnforcement of ContractEnforcement of Fundamental Human Right(s)Enforcement of JudgmentEnlargement of TimeEnlargement of Time To AppealEntering AppearanceEntry of AppealEquitable ConsiderationsEQUITABLE DEFENCESEquitable Defences LachesEquitable InterestsEquitable MaximsEQUITABLE REMEDYEQUITYEQUITY AND TRUSTSESO JSCEstablishment of UniversityEstoppelEstoppel by ConductEstoppel By Standing ByEstoppel Per Rem JudicatamEstoppel Per Rem Judicatam or Res JudicataEstoppel Per Rem Judicatam/Res JudicataETHICSEvaluation of EvidenceEVIDENCEEvidence Act 2011EVIDENCE - Admissibility And Weight Of Evidence or Probative ValueEVIDENCE – Admissibility of secondary evidenceEVIDENCE - Burden/Onus of ProofEVIDENCE - Credibility of WitnessEVIDENCE - Estoppel Per Rem Judicatam or Res JudicataEVIDENCE - Evaluation of EvidenceEvidence in Previous ProceedingsEVIDENCE - InferenceEVIDENCE LAWEVIDENCE – Notice to ProduceEvidence of a Single WitnessEvidence of a Sole WitnessEvidence of an AccompliceEvidence of an ExpertEvidence of An Eye WitnessEvidence of an EyewitnessEvidence of Co-Accused PersonEvidence of Sole WitnessEvidence of the ProsecutrixEvidence of WitnessEvidence on Unpleaded FactsEVIDENCE - Standard of ProofEVIDENCE - Standard of ProofEvidential BurdenEvidential ValueExchange Control AcExecution of JudgmentExecutive ClemencyExecutive PowerExemplary DamagesExercise of DiscretionExercise of Discretion By Administrative BodyExercise of JurisdictionExercise of PowerExisting LawExisting LawsExpert OpinionExpert WitnessExpiration of TenancyExpressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius RuleExpropriatory StatuteExtension of TimeExtension of Time to AppealExtension or Enlargement of Time to AppealExtra Judicial StatementEyewitness TestimonyFailure of JusticeFair HearingFair Hearing Reasonable TimeFalse ImprisonmentFalse InformationFalse PretencesFamily ArrangementsFamily LandFAMILY LAWFAMILY PROPERTYFamily Property or LandFATAI-WILLIAMS JSCFATAYI-WILLIAMS CJNFATAYI-WILLIAMS JSCFaultFederal ActsFederal Government or AgenciesFederal High CourtFiduciary DutyFiling of AppealFinal JudgmentFinancial CrimesFindings of factsFinding(s) of Fact(s)FirearmsForeign SovereignForensic MedicineForfeitureForgeryFraudFresh EvidenceFresh IssuesFresh Issues on AppealFresh PointsFresh Points on AppealFresh Point(s) on AppealFrontloading of DocumentsFrustrationFunctus OfficioFundamental RightFUNDAMENTAL RIGHTSFundamental Rights Enforcement Rules"FURNISH"GarbaGarba JSCGeneral DamagesGood CauseGOVERNMENTGovernment LandGovernment OfficersGovernor’s PowersGovernorship CandidateGrant of BailGratification"Gregorian Calendar"Grievous Bodily HarmGrounds for Challenging an ElectionGround(s) of AppealGrounds of AppealGuber Running MateGuiltGuilt of An Accused PersonGuilty KnowledgeGuilty PleaGunshot WoundsHearing NoticeHearing of AppealHearsay EvidenceHigh CourtHigh Court RulesHire PurchaseHISTORY OF LEGISLATIONHomicideHostile WitnessHouse of AssemblyHow to establish/prove the Guilt of an accused personIBEKWE JSCIdentification EvidenceIdentification of Deceased BodyIdentification ParadeIdentity of LandIDIGBE JSCIdrisIdris J.S.C.Idris JSCIllegalIllegal ContractIllegal or Void Contract"Immediate Family"IMMUNITY CLAUSEImportance of JurisdictionIncome TaxIncompetent Grounds of AppealInconsistenciesInconsistencies in TestimonyInconsistencyInconsistency in EvidenceInconsistency RuleInconsistent JudgmentsInconsistent StatementsIncorporation of TrusteesIndependent ContractorIndependent National Electoral CommissionIndictmentINECInfidelityInformationIngredientsInherent JurisdictionInitiating ProcessInjunctionInsane DelusionInsanity"Instrument"INSURANCEInsurance ContractINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYIntentIntent and ActionsIntentionIntention to KillInterest In LandInterference with Award of DamagesInterference with Concurrent Findings of FactInterference With Concurrent Finding(s) of Fact(s)Interference With Evaluation of EvidenceInterference with Finding(s) of Fact(s)Interference With Finding(s) of Fact(sInterference with the Exercise of DiscretionInterlocutory JudgmentInterlocutory or Interim InjunctionsInterlocutory OrdersInternal AffairsINTERNATIONAL LAWInterpretationInterpretation of DocumentInterpretation of OrderInterpretation of 'Receiving'Interpretation of SectionInterpretation of SectionsINTERPRETATION OF STATUTEINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Chiefs LawINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Evidence ActINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE OPUTA JSCINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Rules of InterpretationINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE – Section 73(2) of the Electoral ActINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Sheriffs and Civil Process ActINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Wills ActINTERPRETATION OF STATUTESINTERPRETATION OF WORDS IN A CONTRACTInterpretationsInterpreterIntestate SuccessionIntra-party DisputeInvestigationIPSE DIXITIRIKEFE JSCIrregular Procedure/Procedural IrregularityISLAMIC LAW AND PROCEDUREIssueIssue EstoppelIssue for DeterminationIssue of JurisdictionIssue Suo MotoIssuesIssues for determinationIssue(s) for DeterminationIssues in ControversyIssue(s) Raised In PleadingsJ.S.C.Jauro J.S.C.JAURO JSCJauro JSCJoinderJoinder of Action or Cause of ActionJoinder of PartiesJoinder of Party(ies)Joint ContractorsJoint Criminal EnterpriseJSCJudgmentJUDGMENT AND ORDERJUDGMENT AND ORDER - Declaratory Judgment/OrderJUDGMENT AND ORDER - Final/Interlocutory JudgmentJUDGMENT AND ORDER - Final Judgment/OrderJUDGMENT AND ORDER - Order of Retrial or Trial De Novo - Principles that guide the court in making an order of retrialJUDGMENT AND ORDER – Validity of Judgment/OrderJudgment in PersonamJudgment in RemJudgment of CourtJudgmentsJudicial ActJudicial ConsiderationJudicial DecisionsJudicial DeliberationsJudicial DirectionJudicial DiscretionJudicial ErrorJudicial ImmunityJudicial or Quasi-Judicial Function"Judicial Power""Judicial Power" "Jurisdiction"Judicial PowersJUDICIAL PRACTICEJudicial PrecedentJudicial Precedent or Stare DecisisJudicial ProceduresJUDICIAL REVIEWJUDICIARYJurisdictionJURISDICTION: Exercise of JurisdictionJURISDICTION - Jurisdiction of The Federal High CourtJURISDICTION - Jurisdiction of the State High CourtJurisdiction of CourtJurisdiction of Election Petition TribunalJurisdiction of Justice of PeaceJurisdiction of Political PartiesJurisdiction of the Federal High CourtJurisdiction of the High Court of the FCT AbujaJurisdiction of The State/Federal High CourtJURISDICTION OF THE STATE HIGH COURTJurisdiction of The Supreme CourtJurisdiction Over Election MattersJURISPRUDENCEJuristic PersonalityJUSTICEJUSTICE - Miscarriage of JusticeJustice of PeaceJUSTICE SYSTEM: AppealsJustificationKARIBI-WHYTEKARIBI-WHYTE JSCKARIBI-WHYTE JSC 1985 (SC)KAWU JSCKAYODE ESO JSCKAZEEM JSCKekere-Ekun JSCKekere-Ekun JSCKey WitnessLABOURLABOUR AND EMPLOYMENTLABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LAWLABOUR LAWLABOUR LAW - Employee Obligations and ResponsibilitiesLABOUR LAW - Wrongful DismissalLaches and AcquiescenceLandLand BoundariesLand DisputeLand DisputesLand GrantsLAND LAWLAND LAW: BoundariesLAND LAW - Trespass to LandLand OwnershipLand Registration ActLANDLORD AND TENANTLANDLORD AND TENANT - Statutory Tenant - Who is a statutory tenantLATIN MAXIMSLaw and OrderLaw FirmLeaseLeave of CourtLeave of Court or Leave To AppealLeave To AppealLeave to DefendLegal Certainty and FavorabilityLEGAL ETHICSLegal MortgageLegal PersonalityLegal Personality/Juristic PersonalityLEGAL PRACTITIONERLegal Practitioners Disciplinary CommitteeLEGAL PRINCIPLESLegal ProcedureLegal RepresentationLegal RightLEGISLATIONLegislative ActLegislative CompetenceLegislative PowerLegislative PowersLEGISLATURELEWIS JSCLiabilityLiability in ContractLiability in TortLiability of PartnersLiability of TenantLiability of TrusteesLibelLiesLimitationLIMITATION LAWLimitation PeriodLiquidated Money DemandLiquidated SumLITERAL RULE OF INTERPRETATIONLoan AgreementsLoansLocus in QuoLOCUS STANDILong Possession or AcquiescenceLong Title of a StatuteLower CourtLower CourtsMADARIKAN JSCMagistrate’s CourtMaintenanceMaintenance and CustodyMANDATORY/DIRECTORY ENACTMENTMandatory Provision of an InterpreterManslaughterManslaughter by NegligenceManual AccreditationMaster and ServantMATRIMONIAL CAUSESMatrimonial Proceeding(s)MAXIMS"MAY"Meaning of the word "wander"Measure of DamagesMedical EvidenceMedical ReportsMembership of a Political PartyMens ReaMental StateMesne ProfitMesne ProfitsMesne RentMilitary Governor or AdministratorMILITARY LAWMisapplicationMiscarriage of JusticeMiscarriages of JusticeMISCHIEF RULE OF INTERPRETATIONMisdirectionMisjoinder of Party(ies)Misjoinder or Non-Joinder of PartiesMistake in JudgementMistake of CounselMitigation to ManslaughterMoney Laundering"Month"MORGAN JSCMortgageMortgagesMotion(s)MotiveMultiple ClaimsMultiple OffencesMurderMutual Agreement Native CourtNATIVE COURTSNATIVE LAW AND CUSTOMNatural ConsequencesNatural JusticeNature of JurisdictionNecessary PartyNecessary Party(ies)NegligenceNEGOTIATING UNDER CREDITNEGOTIATIONNNAMANNNAMANINNAMANI JSCNo Case SubmissionNolle ProsequiNolli ProsequiNomination and Sponsorship of CandidateNomination of a CandidateNomination Of CandidatesNominationsNon-ComplianceNon-Compliance With Rules of CourtNon-Compliance with the Electoral ActNon Est FactumNon-ExpertsNon-Joinder of Party(ies)Non Suit NoticeNotice of AppealNotice of Preliminary ObjectionNotice to QuitNotice(s) of AppealNovation of ContractNuisanceNull and VoidNullification of ElectionNWOSU-IHEME JSCOBASEKOBASEKIOBASEKI IJSCOBASEKI JSCOBITER DICTUMObject ClauseObjectionObtaining by False PretencesOccupation by a TenantOccupyingOffence of Armed RobberyOffence of Armed Robbery2024(SC)Offence of ConspiracyOffence of Culpable Homicide Punishable with DeathOffence of Grievous HurtOffence of KidnappingOffence of ManslaughterOffence of Money LaunderingOffence Of MurderOffence of RapeOffence of Receiving Stolen GoodsOffence of Receiving Stolen Goods or PropertyOffence of Receiving Stolen PropertyOffence of RobberyOffence of StealingOffencesOffences Commission of the OffenceOffensive WeaponOffice of the Attorney GeneralOfficial ActOfficial CorruptionOgunwumiju J.S.C.OGUNWUMIJU JSCOGUNWUMIJU JSCOKORO JSCOmnibus Ground of AppealOnus Of ProofONYEAMA JSCOPUT JSCOPUTA JSCOPUTA JSC 1985 (SC)OrderOrder 2 Rule 9 of The Supreme Court RulesOrder of CommittalOrder of CourtOrder of DismissalOrder of InjunctionOrder of MandamusOrder of Non-SuitOrder Of RetrialOrder of Retrial or Trial De NovoOrder of Retrial/Trial De NovoOrder of Striking OutOrdinancesOrdinary MeaningOriginating ProcessORIGINATING PROCESS(ES)Over VotingOver-VotingOversight and ResponsibilitiesOwnership by PrescriptionOwnership of LandPartiesParties to ContractPARTNERSHIPPartyParty PrimariesParty Primary ElectionPARTY(IES) TO AN ELECTION PETITIONPayment of PremiumPecuniary DamagePENSIONPer Incuriam DecisionsPersonal LossPerverse Decision"Perverse" "Perverse Decision"PetitionerPetitioner's ReplyPhysical AssaultPleaPlea of AlibiPlea of EstoppelPlea of GuiltyPlea of Non Est FactumPLEADINGSPLEADINGS – Bindingness of Pleadings on PartiesPLEADINGS – Importance of PleadingsPleadings in Election PetitionsPledgePOLICEPolitical PartyPolitical Party CandidatePolitical Party PrimaryPolling DatePossessionPossession of LandPower of CourtPOWER OF COURTPower of the Attorney-GeneralPower of the CourtPower to Review JudgmentPOWER(S) OF STATE GOVERNORPower(s) of the Attorney GeneralPowers of the Attorney-General of a StatePowers of the Supreme CourtPRACTICE AND PROCEDUREPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Death of a Party to ProceedingsPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - Demurrer ProceedingsPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – ShiriffPre-Election MattersPreliminary ObjectionPremiumPremium to be ArrangedPrerogative of MercyPRESENTATION OF AN ELECTION PETITIONPresidential Legislative AuthorityPresumptionPresumption of CorrectnessPresumption of Due Execution of DocumentPresumption of FactsPresumption of InnocencePresumption of OwnershipPresumption of RegularityPresumptionsPrevious EvidencePrevious Evidence of WitnessPrima FaciePrima Facie CasePrimary ElectionPRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDUREPrinciple of CausationPrinciple of res judicataPRIORITIES AND CONVEYANCESPriority over Preliminary ObjectionPrivity of ContractProbable ConsequencesProbateProbate ActionProbative ValueProceedingsProceeds of a CrimeProfessional ResponsibilityProliferation of IssuesProofProof Beyond Reasonable DoubtProof beyond reasonable doubtsProof in Criminal CasesProof of Custom or Customary LawProof of Ownership of LandProof of PleadingsProof of TitleProof of Title to LandProof - Standard of ProofProper Identification ParadeProper PartiesProper Party(ies)PROPERTY LAWProsecutionProvisionProvision of an InterpreterProvisoProvocationPublic DocumentsPublic MinistersPUBLIC OFFICERPublic OfficersPublic PowerPublic Service IntegrityPunctuationPunishing of LitigantsPunishmentPurchase by AuctionQkoro JSCQualification of a CandidateQualification of CandidatesQualification or Disqualification of Candidates"Quasi-Judicial"Raising Issue(s) Suo MotuRapeRe-Calling of WitnessesVRe-Hearing of AppealRe-Opening A CaseReasonable Man’s Standard"Reasonable Time"Recall of WitnessesRecalling of WitnessesReceipt of PaymentRecord of AppealRecord of Court ProceedingsRecording of StatementRecovery of PossessionRecovery of PremisesRegistrable InstrumentRegistrarRegistrationRehearingRelevant EvidenceRelevant FactsReliefsRelief(s)"Remove"RentRepayment of DebtRepealRepealsReply BriefRepresentationRepresentation in Legal ProceedingsRepresentative ActionRepresentative Actions Representative CapacityRes Ipsa LoquitorRes Ipsa LoquiturRES JUDICATARespondent BriefRespondent in AppealRespondent NoticeRespondent's NoticeRESTING CASERestitutio In IntegrumRetractionRetrialRetrospective LegislationRetrospective OperationRetrospective StatuteRevenge"Review"Review of JudgmentRight of a CitizenRight of a SellerRight of AppealRight of ElectionRight of OccupancyRight of Party(ies)Right to An InterpreterRight to AppealRight to be heardRight to DefenceRight To Fair HearingRight to Freedom of MovementRight to Peaceful AssemblyRight(S) of an Accused PersonRIKEFE JSCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURERobberyRobbery and FirearmRobbery and Firearms ActRoot of TitleRULE in SMITH v. SELWYNRULES OF INTERPRETATIONRules of Interpretation of ConstitutionRules of Interpretation of StatuteRulingRulingsRunning MateSAIDU KAWU JSCSANKEY JSCSaulawa JSCSaulawa JSCScene of the CrimeScope of AppealsSection 104(2) And (3) of The 1963 ConstitutionSection 218 of the Criminal Procedure ActSection 22 of the Supreme Court ActSection 251 of the ConstitutionSection 251(1) of the 1999 ConstitutionSECTION 258(1) OF THE 1979 CONSTITUTIONSection 258(2) of The 1979 ConstitutionSection 259(3) Of The 1979 Constitution And Order 6 Rule 1 And 3 of The Supreme Court Rules 1977SECTION 274 OF THE 1979 CONSTITUTIONSECTION 276 OF THE 1979 CONSTITUTIONSection 285(7) of the 1999 ConstitutionSection 287(1) (A) (I)-(Iii) of The Criminal Procedure LawSection 3 of The Lagos State Survey LawSection 34 of the Electoral Act 2010Section 7 of The Federal High Court ActSection 85(4) of the Electoral ActSection 88(1) of The High Court LawSecuritySentencingSentimentsServantServiceService of Court ProcessService of Court ProcessesSetting Aside JudgmentSetting Aside Judgment or OrderSetting Aside OrderSexual Offence"SHALL"ShareholderSHIPPING AND ADMIRALTYSignature RequirementsSigning of Court ProcessSigning of Court Process(es)Simple contractsSingle WitnessSins of CounselSole WitnessSourceSOWEMIMOSOWEMIMO JSCSpecial CircumstancesSpecial DamagesSpecial Right Under A StatuteSponsorship of CandidatesStandard for Conviction 1982(SC)Standard of PoofStandard of ProofStandard of Proof in Civil CasesStandards of Legal PracticeSTARE DECISISState GovernorState Judicial Service CommissionState LawsStatement of ClaimStatement of DefenceStatementsSTATUTESTATUTESSTATUTES - Operation of Section 16 of Land Registration ActSTATUTES - Purpose of Land Registration ActSTATUTORY INTERPRETATIONStatutory MethodStatutory ProvisionsStatutory TenantStay of ExecutionStay of Execution of JudgmentStealingStolen PropertySub-TenantSubject ToSubstantial ComplianceSubstantial JusticeSubstantial PerformanceSubstantial Question of LawSubstituted ServiceSuitsSummary JudgmentSUMMARY JUDGMENT PROCEDURESummary Trial ProcedureSuperior Police OfficerSupervisory JurisdictionSupremacy of The ConstitutionSupreme CourtSupreme Court JurisdictionSupreme Court OrdinanceSurvey PlanSurvey PlansSurveys OrdinanceTaking OffTAX LAW: Assessment of Income TaxTAX LAW – Assessment of Income TaxTAX LAW: Discretion in Making Tax AssessmentTAX LAW: Notice of Return of IncomeTAXATIONTAYLOR JSCTenancyTenancy At SufferanceTenancy At WillTenantTendering a Document In EvidenceTermination of ContractTermination of EmploymentTermination without NoticeTerms of ContractTerritorial JurisdictionTerritorial LegislationThe Rule Of Natural JusticeThird Party NoticeTime FrameTime to AppealTiming in Commercial ContractTitle in PropertyTitle to LandTORTTORT - DefamationTORT - Joint TortfeasorsTORT - Malicious ProsecutionTotalTrade MarkTraditional EvidenceTraditional Evidence or HistoryTraditional HistoryTransmission of RecordTraverseTrespassTrespass And Recovery of PossessionTrespass to LandTrialTrial Court Criminal DefencesTrial Court ResponsibilityTrial De NovoTrial Within TrialTRIBUNALTribunal of InquiryTRUST"UBI JUS IBI REMEDIUM"UDOMA JSCUltra Vires ActionsUnappealed DecisionUnappealed Decision(s)Unappealed FindingsUnappealed Finding(s)Unappealed Finding(s)/Decision(s)Unappealed Findings or DecisionsUNAPPEALED FINDING(S) OR DECISION(S)Unappealed Finding(s) or Decision(s)sUnchallenged or Uncontroverted EvidenceUNCHALLENGED/UNCONTROVERTED EVIDENCEUncontradicted EvidenceUncontroverted or Unchallenged FactsUNDEFENDED LISTUndefended List ProcedureUndue ReturnUnlawful Possession of Firearms And AmmunitionUnlawful SocietyUNSWORTH F.J.UNSWORTH JSCUPJOHN JSCURISDICTIONUT RES MAGIS VALEAT QUAM PEREATUttering False DocumentsUwa JSCUWAIS JSCValid SaleValidity of ChargesValue Added TaxVicarious LiabilityVictim of Sexual OffenceVIDENCEVital WitnessVoid ActVoid ContractVoid TransactionsVoter's Register Proof"Waive"WaiverWaiver of Constitutional RightsWaiver of Right"Wander"WILLS AND PROBATEWILLS AND PROBATE - Execution of a WillWithdrawal from ProbateWithdrawal of CandidatureWithholding EvidenceWitnessWitness CredibilityWitness PreparationWitness StatementsWORDS AND PHRASESWrit of SummonsWrongfulWrongful Admission or Rejection of EvidenceWrongful DismissalWRONGFUL TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT