Click to View1961(SC)1962(SC)1963(SC)1964(SC)1965(SC)1968(SC)1970(SC)1972(SC)1974(SC)1975(SC)2021(CA)Absence of JurisdictionAcademic IssuesAcademic SuitAccompliceAccreditation of VotersAccusedAccused PersonAcquiescenceAcquisition of LandACTIONADEMOLA JSCAdjournmentADMINISTRATION OF ESTATEAdministration of JusticeAdministrative DecisionsADMINISTRATIVE LAWAdmissibilityAdmissibility of EvidenceAdmissionAdmissionsAdmissions in PleadingsAdmitted FactsAdvance Fee FraudAffidavitAffidavit EvidenceAffidavit of ServiceAGENCIESAGENCYAiding and AbettingAJEGBO JSCAlibiAmendmentAmendment of ChargesAmendment of Court PleadingsAmendment of Court ProcessesApologyAPPEALAppeal CourtAPPEAL: Evaluation of EvidenceAppeal to Supreme CourtAppeals from High CourtAppearance of CounselAppellate CourtAppellate CourtsAppellate ReviewApplicable Law to a SuitApplicant for Extension of TimeApplicationApplication For InjunctionApplication of Customary LawApplication to RelistArmed Forces ActArmed RobberyAssessmentAssessment of DamagesAttemptAttempt to Commit an OffenceAttempted MurderAttorney-GeneralAUCTIONAUCTIONEERAuthenticity of the InformationAuthorshipAVIATION LAWAward of DamagesBailBailmentBAIRAMIAN JSCBANKING LAWBAUCHI STATE HIGH COURTBELLAMY JSCBeyond Reasonable DoubtsBindingness of PleadingsBodily HarmBona Fide Purchaser For ValueBreachBreach of ContractBreach of Fair HearingBRETT FJBRETT JSCBrief of ArgumentBurden and standard of ProofBurden of ProofBurden of Proof or Onus of ProofCalling of Witness(es)Capacity to File Election PetitionsCapacity to sue and be SuedCard ReaderCard Reader MachineCarnal KnowledgeCarriage By AirCase for HearingCASE LAWCase of a PartyCASE STATEDCausationCause of ActionCause of DeathCautionCertificate of PurchaseCertificationCERTIORARIChallenge of JurisdictionChambersChargeCharge of RapeCharge of StealingChargesCHIEFTAINCY LAWCHIEFTAINCY MATTERSCircumstantial EvidenceCIVIL PROCEDURECivil RightsClaimsCo-AccusedCo-accused StatementsCodesCOKER JSCCOMMERCIAL LAWCommission of a RiotCommission of an OffenceCommission of CrimeCommon IntentCOMPANY LAWCOMPANY LAW - Business NameCompensationCompetence of CourtCOMPETENT WITNESSComplaints of Undue ReturnComposition of Real Estateconcurrent findingsconcurrent findings: Instances where the Supreme Court will interfere with concurrent findings of fact(s) by Lower CourtsCondition PrecedentCondition PrecedentsConditions PrecedentConductConduct of CounselConfessionConfessional EvidenceConfessional StatementConflict in AffidavitsCONFLICT OF LAWSConsent JudgmentConsent Of PartiesConsolidationConsolidation of CasesConspiracyConstitution GrundnormConstitutional InterpretationCONSTITUTIONAL LAWConstitutional ProvisionsConstructive NoticeContempt of CourtContempt of Court or Committal ProceedingsCONTRACTCONTRACT - Action for Money Had and ReceivedCONTRACT LAWContract of GuaranteeContract of InsuranceContract of Sale of GoodsCONTRACT - Quasi-ContractContradictionContradiction in EvidenceContradictionsContradictions in EvidenceControl of ProceedingsConversionCONVEYANCESCONVEYANCINGCONVEYANCING LAW - Effect of RegistrationCONVEYANCING LAW - Prioritization of Registered DeedsCONVEYANCING LAW – Registration of InstrumentsCONVEYANCING LAW - Registration of TitleCONVEYANCING - Registration of titleConvictionConviction For MurderConviction of Co-AccusedConviction on AppealConvictionsCORPORATE LAWCorroborationCorroboration or Corroborative EvidenceCorroborative EvidenceCostsCosts In LitigationCOURTCourt DecisionsCourt HierarchyCourt Interference With Primary ElectionCOURT - JurisdictionCourt of AppealCourt OversightCourt ProcessCourt Processes Rights of PartiesCourt RulingsCourtsCredibilityCredibility and InconsistenciesCredibility of WitnessCredibility of WitnessesCrimeCriminal ActsCriminal CodeCriminal ConspiracyCriminal DefenceCriminal DefencesCriminal IntentionCRIMINAL LAWCRIMINAL LAW AND PRACTICECRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURECRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Attempt to Commit an OffenceCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Attempt to Commit an OffenceCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – ConvictionCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – Offence of CheatingCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Offence of ForgeryCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – Offence of Obtaining by False PretencesCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Offence of StealingCRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – Offence of stealingCRIMINAL LAW. Circumstantial EvidenceCRIMINAL LAW: Defence of InsanityCriminal LiabilityCriminal OffencesCRIMINAL PROCEDURECriminal ProceedingsCriminal TrespassCriminal TrialCriminal TrialsCross AppealCross-AppealCross-ExaminationCROSS RIVER STATECulpable HomicideCustomary CourtsCUSTOMARY LAWCUSTOMARY LAW - ACQUISITION OF LANDCustomary Sale of LandCustomary TenancyCustomary TenureDAMAGESDAMAGES - Measure of DamagesDAMAGES - Types of DamagesDate of RegistrationDebtDecisionDecisionsDeclarationDeclaration of TitleDeclaration of Title To LandDeclaratory ReliefDecree or EdictDefamationDefence of InsanityDefence of IntoxicationDefence of ProvocationDefence of Self-DefenceDefencesDefense of InsanityDefensesDelineation of PersonalDelivery of JudgmentDemurrer ProceedingsDenial of Fair HearingDetinueDiligent ProsecutionDiscrepancy in EvidenceDiscretionDiscretion of CourtDiscretion of the CourtDisenfranchisement Of VotersDispute ResolutionDivorce ProceedingsDoctrine of Res JudicataDoctrines of EquityDocument AuthenticityDocumentary EvidenceDOCUMENTSDouble CompensationDuplicity of ChargesDuty of a JudgeDuty of a PartyDuty of CareDUTY OF COUNSELDuty of CourtDuty of INECDUTY OF JUDGEDuty of the CourtDuty of trial CourtDying DeclarationEconomic and Financial Crimes CommissionEFFECT OF REGISTRATIONElectionElection CandidateElection MattersELECTION PETITIONElection PetitionsElection ResultsElection TribunalElectoral ActElectoral Act 2010Electoral BodyELECTORAL LAWELECTORAL MATTERSELECTORAL MATTERS: Amendment of Election PetitionsElectoral OffencesElementsELIAS CJNELIAS JSCEMPLOYMENT LAWEnforceability of JudgmentsEnforcement of ContractEnforcement of JudgmentEnlargement of TimeEnlargement of Time To AppealEquitable ConsiderationsEquitable Defences LachesEquitable InterestsEQUITABLE REMEDYEQUITYEQUITY AND TRUSTSEstoppelEstoppel By Standing ByEstoppel Per Rem JudicatamEstoppel Per Rem Judicatam or Res JudicataETHICSEvaluation of EvidenceEVIDENCEEvidence Act 2011EVIDENCE – Admissibility of secondary evidenceEVIDENCE - Burden/Onus of ProofEVIDENCE - Evaluation of EvidenceEVIDENCE - InferenceEVIDENCE LAWEVIDENCE – Notice to ProduceEvidence of a Single WitnessEvidence of a Sole WitnessEvidence of an AccompliceEvidence of an ExpertEvidence of Sole WitnessEvidence of the ProsecutrixEvidence on Unpleaded FactsEVIDENCE - Standard of ProofEvidential BurdenExecution of JudgmentExecutive ClemencyExercise of DiscretionExercise of JurisdictionExercise of PowerExisting LawsExpert WitnessExpiration of TenancyExtension of TimeExtra Judicial StatementEyewitness TestimonyFair HearingFair Hearing Reasonable TimeFalse ImprisonmentFalse InformationFalse PretencesFamily ArrangementsFamily LandFAMILY LAWFAMILY PROPERTYFATAI-WILLIAMS JSCFATAYI-WILLIAMS JSCFederal Government or AgenciesFederal High CourtFiduciary DutyFinancial CrimesFindings of factsForensic MedicineForfeitureForgeryFraudFresh IssuesFresh Issues on AppealFresh Points on AppealFundamental RightFUNDAMENTAL RIGHTSFundamental Rights Enforcement RulesGeneral DamagesGood CauseGOVERNMENTGovernment LandGovernment OfficersGrant of BailGratificationGrievous Bodily HarmGround(s) of AppealGuiltGuilt of An Accused PersonGuilty KnowledgeGuilty PleaGunshot WoundsHearing NoticeHearsay EvidenceHigh CourtHigh Court RulesHire PurchaseHomicideHostile WitnessHouse of AssemblyHow to establish/prove the Guilt of an accused personIBEKWE JSCIdentification ParadeIDIGBE JSCIllegal or Void ContractImportance of JurisdictionIncome TaxIncompetent Grounds of AppealInconsistencies in TestimonyInconsistency in EvidenceInconsistent StatementsIndependent National Electoral CommissionINECInfidelityInformationIngredientsInherent JurisdictionInitiating ProcessInjunctionInsanityINSURANCEInsurance ContractINTELLECTUAL PROPERTYIntentIntent and ActionsIntentionIntention to KillInterest In LandInterference With Evaluation of EvidenceInterference with Finding(s) of Fact(s)Interference with the Exercise of DiscretionInterlocutory or Interim InjunctionsInterlocutory OrdersInternal AffairsInterpretationInterpretation of DocumentInterpretation of OrderInterpretation of 'Receiving'Interpretation of SectionInterpretation of SectionsINTERPRETATION OF STATUTEINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Chiefs LawINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Evidence ActINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Rules of InterpretationINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Sheriffs and Civil Process ActINTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Wills ActINTERPRETATION OF STATUTESInterpretationsInterpreterIntestate SuccessionIntra-party DisputeInvestigationIssueIssue for DeterminationIssue Suo MotoIssuesIssues for determinationIssues in ControversyJoinder of PartiesJoint Criminal EnterpriseJudgmentJUDGMENT AND ORDERJUDGMENT AND ORDER - Declaratory Judgment/OrderJUDGMENT AND ORDER - Final/Interlocutory JudgmentJUDGMENT AND ORDER - Final Judgment/OrderJUDGMENT AND ORDER – Validity of Judgment/OrderJudgment of CourtJudicial ConsiderationJudicial DecisionsJudicial DeliberationsJudicial DirectionJudicial DiscretionJudicial ErrorJudicial PowersJUDICIAL PRACTICEJudicial Precedent or Stare DecisisJudicial ProceduresJUDICIAL REVIEWJUDICIARYJurisdictionJURISDICTION: Exercise of JurisdictionJURISDICTION - Jurisdiction of the State High CourtJurisdiction of CourtJurisdiction of Political PartiesJurisdiction of the Federal High CourtJurisdiction Over Election MattersJUSTICEJUSTICE - Miscarriage of JusticeJUSTICE SYSTEM: AppealsJustificationKey WitnessLABOURLABOUR AND EMPLOYMENTLABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT LAWLABOUR LAWLABOUR LAW - Employee Obligations and ResponsibilitiesLABOUR LAW - Wrongful DismissalLaches and AcquiescenceLandLand BoundariesLand DisputeLand DisputesLand GrantsLAND LAWLAND LAW: BoundariesLAND LAW - Trespass to LandLand OwnershipLand Registration ActLANDLORD AND TENANTLATIN MAXIMSLaw FirmLeave of CourtLeave of Court or Leave To AppealLeave To AppealLegal Certainty and FavorabilityLEGAL ETHICSLEGAL PRACTITIONERLEGAL PRINCIPLESLegal ProcedureLegal RepresentationLEGISLATIONLEWIS JSCLiability in ContractLiability of PartnersLiability of TenantLiability of TrusteesLibelLiesLIMITATION LAWLimitation PeriodLiquidated Money DemandLiquidated SumLoan AgreementsLoansLocus in QuoLOCUS STANDILower CourtLower CourtsMADARIKAN JSCMagistrate’s CourtMaintenanceMaintenance and CustodyManslaughterManslaughter by NegligenceManual AccreditationMaster and ServantMATRIMONIAL CAUSESMatrimonial Proceeding(s)MAXIMSMeasure of DamagesMedical EvidenceMedical ReportsMens ReaMental StateMisapplicationMiscarriage of JusticeMiscarriages of JusticeMisdirectionMisjoinder or Non-Joinder of PartiesMistake in JudgementMistake of CounselMitigation to ManslaughterMoney LaunderingMORGAN JSCMortgagesMultiple ClaimsMultiple OffencesMurderMutual Agreement Native CourtNATIVE COURTSNATIVE LAW AND CUSTOMNatural ConsequencesNature of JurisdictionNecessary PartyNegligenceNo Case SubmissionNolli ProsequiNomination of a CandidateNomination Of CandidatesNominationsNon-ComplianceNon-ExpertsNon Suit NoticeNotice of AppealNotice of Preliminary ObjectionNovation of ContractNull and VoidOBASEKI JSCOBITER DICTUMObject ClauseObjectionObtaining by False PretencesOccupation by a TenantOccupyingOffence of Armed RobberyOffence of ConspiracyOffence of Money LaunderingOffence Of MurderOffence of RapeOffence of RobberyOffence of StealingOffencesOffensive WeaponOfficial ActOfficial CorruptionOmnibus Ground of AppealOnus Of ProofONYEAMA JSCOrderOrder of CommittalOrder of CourtOrder of DismissalOrder of InjunctionOrder of Non-SuitOrder of Retrial or Trial De NovoOrdinancesOrdinary MeaningOriginating ProcessOver VotingOversight and ResponsibilitiesOwnership of LandPartiesPARTNERSHIPPartyParty PrimariesParty Primary ElectionPayment of PremiumPecuniary DamagePer Incuriam DecisionsPetitionerPhysical AssaultPleaPlea of EstoppelPlea of GuiltyPLEADINGSPLEADINGS – Bindingness of Pleadings on PartiesPLEADINGS – Importance of PleadingsPledgePolitical PartyPolitical Party CandidatePolling DatePossessionPossession of LandPower of CourtPower to Review JudgmentPowers of the Attorney-General of a StatePowers of the Supreme CourtPRACTICE AND PROCEDUREPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Death of a Party to ProceedingsPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - Demurrer ProceedingsPRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – ShiriffPreliminary ObjectionPremiumPresumptionPresumption of InnocencePresumptionsPrevious EvidencePrevious Evidence of WitnessPrima FaciePrima Facie CasePrimary ElectionPrinciple of res judicataPRIORITIES AND CONVEYANCESPriority over Preliminary ObjectionPrivity of ContractProbable ConsequencesProbative ValueProceedingsProceeds of a CrimeProfessional ResponsibilityProliferation of IssuesProofProof beyond reasonable doubtsProof in Criminal CasesProof of PleadingsProof of TitleProof - Standard of ProofProper Identification ParadePROPERTY LAWProsecutionProvisionProvisoProvocationPublic DocumentsPublic Service IntegrityPunishing of LitigantsPunishmentPurchase by AuctionRapeRe-Calling of WitnessesVRe-Hearing of AppealReasonable Man’s StandardRecall of WitnessesRecalling of WitnessesReceipt of PaymentRecord of AppealRecording of StatementRecovery of PremisesRegistrationReliefsRepayment of DebtRepealRepealsReply BriefRepresentationRepresentation in Legal ProceedingsRepresentative ActionRepresentative Actions Representative CapacityRes Ipsa LoquitorRes Ipsa LoquiturRES JUDICATARespondent in AppealRespondent NoticeRespondent's NoticeRestitutio In IntegrumRetractionRetrialRetrospective OperationRight of a SellerRight to AppealRight to be heardRight To Fair HearingRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURERobberyRobbery and FirearmRobbery and Firearms ActRulingRulingsSection 218 of the Criminal Procedure ActSection 22 of the Supreme Court ActSection 251 of the ConstitutionSection 251(1) of the 1999 ConstitutionSection 285(7) of the 1999 ConstitutionSection 34 of the Electoral Act 2010Section 85(4) of the Electoral ActSecuritySentencingSentimentsServiceService of Court ProcessSexual OffenceSignature RequirementsSigning of Court ProcessSimple contractsSingle WitnessSins of CounselSole WitnessSourceSOWEMIMO JSCSpecial DamagesSpecial Right Under A StatuteSponsorship of CandidatesStandard of PoofStandard of ProofStandard of Proof in Civil CasesStandards of Legal PracticeSTARE DECISISStatement of DefenceStatementsSTATUTESTATUTESSTATUTES - Operation of Section 16 of Land Registration ActSTATUTES - Purpose of Land Registration ActSTATUTORY INTERPRETATIONStatutory ProvisionsStay of ExecutionStay of Execution of JudgmentStealingStolen PropertySubstantial PerformanceSubstituted ServiceSummary Trial ProcedureSuperior Police OfficerSupreme CourtSupreme Court JurisdictionSupreme Court OrdinanceSurvey PlansSurveys OrdinanceTaking OffTAX LAW: Assessment of Income TaxTAX LAW – Assessment of Income TaxTAX LAW: Discretion in Making Tax AssessmentTAX LAW: Notice of Return of IncomeTAXATIONTAYLOR JSCTenancyTenantTendering a Document In EvidenceTermination of ContractTermination without NoticeTerms of ContractTerritorial LegislationThird Party NoticeTime to AppealTiming in Commercial ContractTitle in PropertyTitle to LandTORTTORT - Joint TortfeasorsTORT - Malicious ProsecutionTrade MarkTraditional EvidenceTraverseTrespass And Recovery of PossessionTrespass to LandTrialTrial Court Criminal DefencesTrial Court ResponsibilityTrial Within TrialTRIBUNALTribunal of InquiryTRUSTUltra Vires ActionsUnappealed DecisionUnappealed FindingsUncontradicted EvidenceUncontroverted or Unchallenged FactsUNDEFENDED LISTUndefended List ProcedureUndue ReturnUnlawful SocietyUNSWORTH F.J.UNSWORTH JSCUPJOHN JSCURISDICTIONUttering False DocumentsValid SaleValidity of ChargesValue Added TaxVicarious LiabilityVictim of Sexual OffenceVital WitnessVoter's Register ProofWaiverWILLS AND PROBATEWILLS AND PROBATE - Execution of a WillWitnessWitness CredibilityWitness PreparationWORDS AND PHRASESWrongful Admission or Rejection of EvidenceWrongful Dismissal