JURISDICTION – JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COURT – Whether the Supreme Court has jurisdiction to hear appeals directly from decisions of the High Court


“…I observe that by this issue, learned counsel for the appellant is attacking the decision of the learned trial Judge based on an amended originating motion purportedly filed without the leave of that Court. All the complaints under this issue relate to the proceedings of the trial Court. This Court lacks jurisdiction to entertain complaints arising from the decision of the trial Court. The appellate jurisdiction of this Court is limited by Section 233(1) of the Constitution to hear and determine appeals from the Court of Appeal. In the circumstances, this issue is incompetent. It is hereby struck out.” Per KEKERE-EKUN, J.S.C. in EFCC v. WOLFGANG REINL (LCER-2020-39154-SC) at p. 24 – p. 25

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