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See Also:
- DEFENCE OF ACCIDENT - DELIBERATE ACT - Whether an accused person can raise the defence of accident for the unintended result of a deliberate act
CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - DEFENCE OF ACCIDENT - Whether an accused person can raise the defence of accident for the unintended result of a deliberate act:
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - DEFENCE OF ACCIDENT - Whether an accused person can raise the defence of accident for the unintended result of a deliberate act
"Furthermore, the defence of accident raised by the Appellant is not available to him because as rightly held by the two Courts below, his act of shooting the deceased was…
- DEFENCE OF ACCIDENT - Whether an accused person can raise the defence of accident for unintended result of a deliberate act
CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - DEFENCE OF ACCIDENT - Whether an accused person can raise the defence of accident for the unintended result of a deliberate act: