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See Also:
- JURISDICTION: Importance of Jurisdiction - The Importance of Jurisdiction in Conducting Proceedings
"Issue of jurisdiction is threshold issue which obviously is of paramount importance and therefore when raised, it must be looked into first or at least at the earliest opportunity, more…
- JURISDICTION: Position Of The Law With Respect To Raising The Issue Of Jurisdiction
"Ground (a) of the additional grounds of appeal raises the issue of jurisdiction. The law is trite that the issue of jurisdiction can be raised at any time and even…
- JURISDICTION: Effect of a well conducted proceeding in the absence of jurisdiction
"In other words, proceedings well conducted, without jurisdiction is akin to a house without foundation which will and surely collapse. The celebrated locus classical case of Madukolu v. Nkemdilim (2001)…
- JURISDICTION - JURISDICTION OF THE COURT OF APPEAL - Statutory provision as to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal
"The jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal is conferred by Section 240 of the 1999 Constitution, as amended, which provides: "240. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the Court…
- JURISDICTION - JURISDICTION OF THE COURT OF APPEAL - Statutory provision as to the exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal
"...coupled with the far-reaching power under Section 6(6) (b) of the 1999 Constitution (supra), the Court below has specifically been cloaked with jurisdiction under Section 240(1) of the Constitution (supra)…