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INSURANCE – Contract of Insurance – Whether an assured must comply with a policy in the absence of evidence that he knew of the existence of a condition precedent in the policy

“In Coleman’s Depositories Ltd. v. The Life and Health Assurance Association [1907] 2 K.B. 798, it was held that in the absence of evidence that assured either knew of or had the opportunity of knowing of the existence of a condition precedent appearing in a policy at the date of the occurrence of the risk…

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INTERPRETATION OF STATUTE – Ejusdem Generis Rule – Instances when the doctrine of ejusdem generis will be applied with caution in the interpretation of a statute

“The important thing, however, is to discover the intention of the legislature, reading the section as a whole. Sankey J. indicated this in Attorney General v. Brown [1920] 1 K.B. 773 at page 798 when he said- “Although therefore the doctrine of <i>ejusdem generis</i> is to be applied with caution, where in an Act of…

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