APPEAL – INTERFERENCE WITH CONCURRENT FINDING(S) OF FACT(S) – Instances where the Supreme Court will interfere with concurrent findings of fact(s) by Lower Courts


“My lords, this appeal being against concurrent findings of fact(s), we need to remind ourselves that the Court, especially where the findings turn on the credibility of witnesses, hardly intervenes. However, where the findings are shown to be perverse the Court will, all the same, reverse the findings. See SUNDAY V. STATE (2017) LPELR-42259 (SC), WOLUCHEM & ORS V. CHIEF GUDI & ORS (1981) 5 SC 291, CHINWEDU V. MBAMALI & ORS (1980) 3-4 SC 31, AJIBOYE V. FRN (2018) LPELR – 44468 (SC) and ATOLAGBE V. SHORUN (1985) LPELR-592 (SC).” Per MUSA DATTIJO MUHAMMAD, JSC (Pp 1 – 1; Paras A – C)

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