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See Also:
- ACTION - Non-Suit - Where the plaintiff's claim fails on technical hitches - Whether the plaintiff can be barred from re-presenting his case:
“In considering whether a non-suit should be entered or not, this court has set out in Ejiofor v. Onyekwe & Ors (1972) 1 ANLR (Pt. 2) page 527 this guideline:-"(3) If…
- JUDGMENT AND ORDERS – Non-suit - Purport of non-suit - When non-suit can be entered
CHIEF SAMUEL AKPAN NKANU V. CHIEF ROBERT ONUN (1977-LCER-1141-SC) “It is a well established rule of law that an order of nonsuit should only be made where the plaintiff has…
- ACTION - JUDGMENT AND ORDERS - Non-Suit - Need for the Court to hear both parties before entering an order for non-suit
LION BUILDINGS LIMITED V. M.M. SHADIPE (1976-LCER-1086-SC) “On examination of the proceedings in the court below, there appears to be nothing to indicate that either learned counsel for the plaintiffs…