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See Also:
- ACTION - Non-Suit - Where the plaintiff's claim fails on technical hitches - Whether the plaintiff can be barred from re-presenting his case
JIMO GIWA OGUNLOYE V. YISA DUROSINMI (1975-LCER-1012-SC) “In considering whether a non-suit should be entered or not, this court has set out in Ejiofor v. Onyekwe & Ors (1972) 1…
- EVIDENCE - BURDEN OF PROOF/ONUS OF PROOF - Whether a plaintiff can rely on the weakness of the case of the defendant to prove his own case in an action for declaration of title:
"it is trite and quite settled that in a claim for declaration of title of land, the onus is on the Plaintiff to establish his claim upon the strength of…
- ACTION - Action in a representative capacity - The Burden on the plaintiff:
"This evidence was accepted by the lower court and we are satisfied that that court came to the right conclusion on the testimony before it. We are equally satisfied that in…