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See Also:
- JURISDICTION - Court sitting during vacation - Effect of sitting during vacation on jurisdiction and judgment of court
OBOREUBORI ITAYE V. OKUOWE EKAIDERE (1978-LCER-1740-SC) “It is clear to us that the effect of Order 25 Rule 5 and the notification, Midwestern Notice 131 of March, 1975 was to…
- COURT - JURISDICTION - Basis of exercise of jurisdiction of Court
"The law is quite settled that being a creation of the Constitution or a Statute, a Court of law can only exercise such jurisdiction as is conferred on it by…
- COURT – POWER OF COURT – Source of Power of Court to make an order of restitution
“Restitution is not alien to our criminal justice system; neither was it ordered by the trial court without legal basis. The power to make order of restitution is vested in…