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See Also:
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "MALE LINE" - Meaning of the phrase "male line":
"What is meant by the male line? I agree with the reliance placed by the lower Court on the definition provided by Stroud's Judicial Dictionary (Fifth Edition) Vol. 3 at…
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "JURISDICTION" - Meaning of the word "jurisdiction"
"The term jurisdiction denotes a Court's delineated power to adjudicate or decide a matter or issue an order (Decree). Also termed competent jurisdiction; adjudicatory jurisdiction. See BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 11th…
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "JURISDICTION" - Meaning of the word "jurisdiction":
"The term jurisdiction denotes a Court's delineated power to adjudicate or decide a matter or issue an order (Decree). Also termed competent jurisdiction; adjudicatory jurisdiction. See BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 11th…