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See Also:
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "Trial" - Meaning of "trial"
"A trial is not an investigation, and investigation is not the function of a court. A trial is the public demonstration and testing before a court of the cases of…
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "Bribe" - Meaning of "bribe"
"Bribe" is defined in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary in the words of Dr Johnson's Dictionary, as "a reward given to pervert the judgment or corrupt the conduct", which means…
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "Tenant" - Statutory definition of "tenant"
"Under Section 2(1) of Recovery of Premises Act Cap. 193, the word 'tenant' was defined to include any person occupying premises whether on payment of rent or otherwise but does…
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "Tenant" - Statutory definition of "tenant"
"The word 'tenant' is defined in Section 40 (1) of the Rent Control and Recovery of Residential Premises Law 1976 which reads: "In this Edict, unless the context otherwise requires…
- WORDS AND PHRASES - "CHARGE" - Meaning of "charge"
"a charge is a formal accusation of an offence as preliminary step to prosecution - as in "murder charge". Also termed Criminal Charge. See BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, 11TH EDITION (2019)…