“The Respondents produced the Will of the deceased albeit the resolution of Exhibit T, which the lower Court compared to dismiss the case of the Appellant. The Will therefore supervened and knocked down the case of the Appellant. The validity of the Will was tested and proved to have been made by the deceased against Exhibit T. This was the reason the lower Court affirmed the case of the Respondents against that of the Appellant on the authority of ADEBAJO per. ABBA AJI, J.S.C. in ANYA v. ANYA & ORS (2020-LCER-39148-SC) at p.6- p. 7.
See Also:
- WILLS AND PROBATE - VALIDITY OF A WILL - Requirements of the Law as regards the validity/genuineness of a will and the proof of same
"The Respondents produced the Will of the deceased albeit the resolution of Exhibit T, which the lower Court compared to dismiss the case of the Appellant. The Will therefore supervened…
- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION - Nature and effect of the supremacy of the Constitution
"By the provision of Section 1 of the 1999 Constitution, the Constitution is supreme and its provisions shall have binding force on all authorities and persons throughout the Federal Republic…
- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - SUPREMACY OF THE CONSTITUTION - Nature and effect of the supremacy of the Constitution
"It ought to be reiterated, for the avoidance of any lingering doubt, that by virtue of the provision of the 1999 Constitution, as amended (supra), the Constitution is supreme. And…