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See Also:
- SHIPPING AND ADMIRALTY - ARREST OF A SHIP - Provision of the law on the arrest of a ship; purpose of an arrest
"Under Order VII Rule 1 (i) of the Old Admiralty Jurisdiction Procedure Rules 1993, which has its equivalent provision in Order 7 Rule I(ii) of the New Admiralty Jurisdiction Procedure…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Recording of Statement of an Accused - Whether Statements of an Accused Should Be Recorded in the Language in Which They Were Made
“Statements should be, wherever practicable, recorded in the language in which they are made. This is a practical wisdom directed to avoid technical arguments which could be raised. It is…
- EVIDENCE: Documentary Evidence – Whether Documents in Police Custody Are Considered Public Documents
"In the case of Tabik Investment Ltd v. G.T.B (2011) All FWLR (pt 602) 1592 at 1607 this Court held that a private petition sent to the police, as in…