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See Also:
- DAMAGES – Meaning and Nature of damages
A. M. SOETAN V. Z. ADE OGUNWO (1975-LCER-975-SC) “It is said that "damages are compensation in money." They are a sum of money given to a successful plaintiff as compensation…
- SHIPPING AND ADMIRALTY - ARREST OF A SHIP - Whether claim for damages for wrongful arrest or detention of a ship is a claim for special damages which must be specially pleaded and strictly proved
"Assuming that the case is that the 1st respondent is the owner or charterer of the arrested vessel which is not the case before the Court, and it has suffered…
- LAND LAW - DAMAGES - When damages are awarded in claim for Declaration of title - Need to grant ancillary claim for injunction
OBANOR V. OBANOR (1976-LCER-1070-SC) "It is settled law that where damages are awarded for trespass to land and there is an ancillary claim for injunction, the court will grant an…