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See Also:
- COURT – Abuse of Process of the Court – The Connotation and import of abuse of court process
BANJO V. ETERNAL SACRED ORDER OF CHERUBIM & SERAPHIM (1975-LCER-993-SC) “We are satisfied that the contention must fail. The term "abuse of the process of the court" connotes that the process…
- PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - SIGNING OF COURT PROCESS(ES) - Effect of a court process signed in the name of a law firm
"It has not been contested that Albert Yawe & Co signed the Writ of Summons and Statement of Claim dated and filed on 24/10/2001, which is the stratum and foundation…
- LEGAL PRACTITIONER - DUTY OF COUNSEL - Duty of Counsel as a minister in the temple of justice and an officer of the Court
"I should think the option available to the Respondents' Counsel, as officers of the Courts, was to have, guided by Rule 32(2)(j) & (k) of the Rules of Professional Conduct…