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See Also:
- PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - HEARING - What hearing entails; when a hearing will be said to have been on the merits:
"The word "Hearing" was judicially considered by the Supreme Court in OKOYE & ORS VS NIGERIAN CONSTRUCTION & FURNITURES CO. LTD. & ORS (1991) 6 NWLR (PT.199) 501 AT 522…
- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - RIGHT TO FAIR HEARING - Whether the right to fair hearing can be waived
"The right to fair hearing cannot be waived or compromised as it is not donated but inherent for the person involved. SeeArije v Arije & Ors (2018) LPELR-44193 (SC)." Per…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Alibi - Duty on the accused to prove alibi
FRANCIS ODILI V. THE STATE (1977-LCER-1150-SC) “The evidence in support of such an alibi was peculiarly within the knowledge of the appellant and he did call his wife as a…