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See Also:
- COURT – Abuse of Process of the Court – The Connotation and import of abuse of court process
BANJO V. ETERNAL SACRED ORDER OF CHERUBIM & SERAPHIM (1975-LCER-993-SC) “We are satisfied that the contention must fail. The term "abuse of the process of the court" connotes that the process…
- CONTEMPT – Contempt Proceedings – The sui generis Nature of contempt proceedings
"It should always be borne in mind in considering and dealing with contempt of court that it is an offence purely sui generis and that its punishment involves in most…
- COURT - Contempt of Court - Attitude of the Court to contempt of court
"...the test for what amounts to contempt of court in the face of the court is subjective and it is for this reason that the court which decides to deal…
- CONTEMPT – Contempt Proceedings – The sui generic Nature of contempt proceedings
A.U. DEDUWA & ORS V. THE STATE (1975-LCER-978-SC) "It should always be borne in mind in considering and dealing with contempt of court that it is an offence purely sui…
- PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Contempt of Court/Committal Proceedings – Whether the Director General of the Bureau of Public Enterprises Can Be Held Responsible Where There Is an Allegation of Contempt of Court Orders Against the Bureau of Public Enterprises
"At pages 800 - 808 of the records of appeal, the learned Justices of the lower Court correctly considered the status of the 2nd Appellant, the concept of corporate personality,…