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See Also:
- EVIDENCE: Affidavit Evidence - Counter Affidavit - Instances Where Failure to file Counter Affidavit Will Not Amount to admission
"As rightly submitted by the learned counsel for the respondents, it is not in all circumstances that failure to file a counter affidavit amounts to an admission of the facts…
- PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE: Affidavit of Service - The Importance of the Affidavit of Service and the Court's Duty When Service Is Challenged
"Evidence of proof of Service is conclusive where a bailiff deposes to an affidavit to that effect. The proof is by material fact to be placed before a Court. The…
- EVIDENCE: Affidavit Evidence - Documents Attached To An Affidavit - Whether Documents Attached To An Affidavit form part of the affidavit "
… it is also trite that all documents attached to an affidavit such as Exhibit R form part of the affidavit in question and it is not possible to raise…