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See Also:
- POLICE - DUTY OF POLICE - Whether the duty of the police includes the settlement of civil dispute or debt collection
"As I went through the facts of this case, I was wondering how a purely civil matter could easily metamorphose and transubstantiate into a purely criminal case. The end result…
POLICE POLICE – DUTY OF POLICE – Duty/Role of the police where the remedy of a nominal complainant is in a civil suit for damages for breach of contract or for an order…
- POLICE - DUTY OF POLICE - Whether the duty of the police includes the settlement of civil dispute or debt collection
POLICE - DUTY OF POLICE - Whether the duty of the police includes the settlement of civil dispute or debt collection:
- POLICE - DUTY OF POLICE - Duty/Role of the police where the remedy of a nominal complainant is in a civil suit for damages for breach of contract or for an order for specific performance
"The crux of this appeal is whether the facts narrated above gave rise to a civil claim or whether the commission of criminal offences was disclosed. My learned brother has…
- TORT - False Imprisonment - Whether an arrest can be made by the police on reasonable suspicion
"The test of what is reasonable suspicion is not as high as establishing a prima facie as Lord Devlin in Shasban Bin Hussain v. Chong Fook Kam [1969] 3 All…