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See Also:
- PLEADINGS - Admission in pleadings - Whether admission needs further proof - Need for party to lead evidence to prove unadmitted facts:
“Now just as the appellant is bound by his grounds of appeal, so at the earlier stage of the action both parties are bound by their pleadings and it is elementary…
- PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - EVIDENCE - Evidence in support of pleadings - Liberty of parties to adduce evidence in support of their pleadings
MOBIL OIL (NIGERIA) LTD. V. FEDERAL BOARD OF INLAND REVENUE (1977-LCER-1164-SC) “It only remains for us to add that in an action before the High Court, it is the right…
- PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE - EVIDENCE - Evidence in support of pleadings - Liberty of parties to adduce evidence in support of their pleadings
MOBIL OIL (NIGERIA) LTD. V. FEDERAL BOARD OF INLAND REVENUE (1977-LCER-1164-SC) “It only remains for us to add that in an action before the High Court, it is the right…