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See Also:
- STATUTES: Subsidiary legislations & Regulations - Whether Policy Documents Commonly known as Guidelines Qualify as Subsidiary Legislation
"R.C. Agbo, JCA, in UNION BANK OF NIGERIA PLC & ANOR. v. IFEOLUWA NIG. ENTERPRISES LTD(2007) 7 NWLR (Pt.1032) 71 at 84, had stated, and I agree, that policy documents, commonly…
- APPEAL: Notice of Appeal – Content of Notice of Appeal - What a Notice of Appeal Should Contain
"The Appellant's preliminary objection is predicated on a number of grounds specified in paragraph 4.2 of its brief. In short, that the Notice of Appeal was in flagrant non-compliance with…
- EVIDENCE: Affidavit Evidence - Content of an Affidavit - Whether affidavit used in court shall contain only a statement of facts and circumstances to which the witness deposes
"In civil proceedings, parties may agree that their case be tried upon affidavit and the court may order that any particular facts be proved by affidavit. It is mandatory that…