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See Also:
- STATUTE - Long title - Usefulness of Long title for the purpose of interpretation
FELIX O. OSAWARU V. SIMEON O. EZEIRUKA (1978-LCER-1725-SC) “In an earlier period, in interpretation of Statutes, titles to statutes were not considered part of the statutes and were on that…
- LAND LAW - Possession and title – Whether possession can be liken to title
FAGBEMI AKANO V. MOSES ALABI OKUNADE & ORS (1978-LCER-1724-SC) “As regards the question of recovery of possession, possession in itself is a good title as against everyone except the true owner…
- LAND LAW - Title to land - Five ways of establishing title to land:
"It is equally trite that the onus is on the claimant to establish his title upon a preponderance of evidence or on the balance of probability. He must succeed on…