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See Also:
- LAND LAW - Declaration of title to land - What the court must consider before granting
ADESANYA V. ADERONMU (2000-LCER-11908-SC) "... the law is well settled that, to succeed in a claim for a declaration of title to land, the court must be satisfied as to:– (i)…
- LAND LAW - Proof of title to land - Identity of land - Duty of the Plaintiff to show the court clearly the area of land to which his claim relates
OKON UDOFE V. CHIEF AKPAN AQUAISUA (1973-LCER-8065-SC) “It must be remembered, however, that apart from the issue of estoppel, the learned trial Judge disbelieved the plaintiffs/appellants both as to the…
- LAND LAW - Declaration of title to land - Duty of court to exercise its discretion to grant title to land judicially
GILBERT AKINDOYIN AWOMUTI V. ALHAJI JIMO SALAMI & ORS (1978-LCER-1727-SC) “It is true that the remedy of declaration of title to land, being a matter for the discretion of the…