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See Also:
- JURISDICTION: Position Of The Law With Respect To Raising The Issue Of Jurisdiction
"Ground (a) of the additional grounds of appeal raises the issue of jurisdiction. The law is trite that the issue of jurisdiction can be raised at any time and even…
- ACTION - Applicable Law to a Suit - Distinction in the relevant law applicable to cause of action and the jurisdiction of court
"It is difficult to understand why the learned Judge on appeal had equated jurisdiction with the law applicable. We think it desirable to point out again that there is a…
- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Constitution - The Supremacy of the Constitution
"It is trite law that the Constitution of a country is the supreme law of the land and commands absolute obedience." Per ONNOGHEN, J.S.C. in EGBUCHU v. C.M.B. PLC (2016-LCER-30467-SC)…
- WILLS AND PROBATE – Resealing of Will - Requirements of the law as to resealing of a will
"The rule is stated in Dicey's Conflict of Laws, 7th edition, Rule 103 as follows:- "A grant of administration or other authority to represent a deceased person under the law…
- EVIDENCE: Boundaries of Disputed Land – Duty of the Claimant to adduce sufficient and adequate Evidence to prove Boundaries of Land in Dispute
"On the first point, the respondent’s evidence was that ... the land in dispute is bounded on the south by Odanta and on the Eastern side by Umukwa... As against…