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See Also:
- JURISDICTION - Jurisdiction of The State High Court - Extent of the criminal jurisdiction of the High Court of a State
"The criminal jurisdiction a High Court of a State has is to "hear and determine any criminal proceedings involving or relating to any penalty, forfeiture, punishment or other liability in…
- JURISDICTION - JURISDICTION OF THE STATE HIGH COURT - Extent of the jurisdiction of the High Court
"One has to analyze S. 267 of the Constitution and read with that provision the provisions of Ss. 236 and 237 of the Constitution. I have already set out (supra)…
- JURISDICTION - Jurisdiction of The State High Court - Extent of the jurisdiction of the High Court
"Now, the State High Courts under the 1979 Constitution are provided with unlimited jurisdiction in matters set out in Section 236 thereof i.e. "to hear and determine civil proceedings in…
- JURISDICTION - JURISDICTION OF THE STATE HIGH COURT - Jurisdiction of the High Court with respect to land
"Section 39 (1) and (2) of the Land Use Act, 1978 reads as follows:- "39 (1) The High Court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction in respect of the following proceedings:…
- COURT - Contempt of Court - Attitude of the Court to contempt of court
"...the test for what amounts to contempt of court in the face of the court is subjective and it is for this reason that the court which decides to deal…