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See Also:
- JURISDICTION: Jurisdiction of the Federal High Court - Extent of the Jurisdiction of the Federal High Court
"The law is well settled that Courts exercise jurisdiction as conferred on them by the law or statute creating them. The Federal High Court is not an exception. I shall…
- JURISDICTION - Jurisdiction of The Federal High Court - Extent of the jurisdiction of the Federal High Court
"In my view the Constitution has not vested in the Federal High Court general and unlimited jurisdiction in all matters with respect to which the National Assembly has power to…
- JURISDICTION: Nature and scope of jurisdiction of the Federal High Court
"The application by the appellant was sequel to an order made by the Federal High Court granting leave to serve the Originating processes filed in the suit on the 2nd…
- JURISDICTION - JURISDICTION OF THE STATE HIGH COURT - Extent of the jurisdiction of the High Court
"One has to analyze S. 267 of the Constitution and read with that provision the provisions of Ss. 236 and 237 of the Constitution. I have already set out (supra)…
- JURISDICTION - JURISDICTION OF THE FEDERAL HIGH COURT - Whether the jurisdiction of the Federal High Court extends to the tort of negligence:
"The central issue in this appeal is - whether the lower Court was right in their interpretation of Section 230(1) of Decree No. 107 to the effect that NEPA, being…