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See Also:
- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: Exercise of Power — When the Exercise of Power Can Be Said to Be Unconstitutional
"My Lords, when exercise of power by a person or authority is alleged to have been done outside the provisions of the Constitution or that such exercise is in direct…
PUBLIC OFFICER PUBLIC OFFICER - PUBLIC OFFICERS PROTECTION ACT - Limitation period for bringing an action against a public officer; effect of failure to institute an action within the limitation period and its exception…
- DOCUMENTS: Public Documents - Whether public documents can be tendered from the bar
"The law is trite that public documents can be tendered from the bar, particularly where the procedure is not contested as it is with the case at hand. The appellant,…
- CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - Veto Power - Unconstitutionality of Governor's Veto Power Over Police Decisions
"This modification, in effect, gives to the State Governor the power to veto the decision of the Commissioner of Police as to whether the assembly, meeting or procession should be…
- POLICE - Executive Power Over Police - Limitation of State Governor’s Power Regarding Law and Order
"...the Public Order Act No. 5 of 1979 only dealt with 'the conduct and control of public assemblies, meetings, and processions,' which is only one particular, albeit very important, aspect…