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See Also:
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Confessional statement - When a confessional statement is obtained with the aid of an interpreter - Need for both the interpreter and the person who recorded the statement to give evidence in Court
"Usually the statement is recorded in the local dialect with English translation and both documents are admissible in evidence as the statement of the accused person. Before these documents are…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - No case submission - Position of the law regarding no case submission
"The question that comes up where a no-case submission is made by an Accused Person is whether the Prosecution made out a prima facie case requiring, at least, some explanation…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Murder - Essential ingredients that must be proved by the prosecution to secure conviction for the offence of murder
"The law is well settled that in murder cases, (as in this instant case) the prosecution, in order to obtain conviction must prove the under mentioned ingredients of the offence…