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See Also:
- EVIDENCE – Corroboration of evidence – Nature of corroboration
ALHAJI JIBRIN OKABICHI v. THE STATE (1975-LCER-983-SC) “Corroboration is evidence which may be direct or circumstantial but in any case it is the duty of the court to ascertain that…
- EVIDENCE: Evaluation of Evidence – Primary duty of the trial judge to evaluate evidence – Rationale behind assignment of the role of evaluation of evidence to the trial judge
“This reluctance is principally grounded on the recognition that the learned trial Judge, who had the undoubted advantage of seeing and hearing the evidence presented by the parties, at first-hand,…
- EVIDENCE - EVIDENCE OF AN ACCOMPLICE - Whether an accomplice is a competent witness - Duty of the Court where there is no corroboration of evidence of an accomplice
DOMINIC OKOLO V. THE STATE (1974-LCER-926-SC) "By the provisions of section 117(1) of the Evidence Act, an accomplice is a competent witness but where the only proof against a person…