EVIDENCE – Presumption of regularity – Whether presumption of regularity can be applied to rescue fatal errors in criminal trial


The record shows that the Appellant’s plea for the first count bordering on the offence of conspiracy was not taken. Such an omission is not a minor non-compliance, neither can it be rescued by presumption of regularity provided under the Evidence Act as argued by counsel for the Respondent. It is a fatal error as one of the key elements necessary for a valid trial was omitted. The consequence of the omission is to render the trial and conviction of the Appellant for the offence of conspiracy a nullity.Per ADAMU JAURO, JSC in AKEEM ABIODUN V. THE STATE (2022-LCER-46641-SC) at Pp. 23 – 24; Paras. G-B.

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EVIDENCE – Presumption of regularity – Whether presumption of regularity can be applied to rescue fatal errors in criminal trial


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