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See Also:
- EVIDENCE: Proof - Standard of Proof in Civil Cases
The standard of proof in civil cases is on the balance of probability..” Per KEKERE-EKUN, J.S.C. in EVELYN EHWRUDJE v. WARRI LOCAL GOVERNMENT (2016-LCER-30481-SC) at (P. 23; Para. D)
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - Contradictions in prosecution's witness evidence - How contradictions in evidence is resolved – Effect of material contractions on the prosecution's case
CHRISTOPHER ONUBOGU V. THE STATE (1974-LCER-922-SC) "We are also of the view that where one witness called by the prosecution in a criminal case contradicts another prosecution witness on a material…
- EVIDENCE: Co-accused Statements - Use of Co-accused Statements in Judicial Deliberation
"The trial judge must evaluate the cases against co-accused individuals separately, ensuring that statements made by one are not used in assessing the culpability of another. This principle safeguards the…
- CRIMINAL LAW: Witness Credibility - Evaluation of Witness Credibility and Judicial Reliance on Statements
"The magistrate did in fact rely on Exhibit S as well as Exhibit R in coming to the conclusion that 'what the witness told the court on oath was merely…
- EVIDENCE - CONTRADICTION IN EVIDENCE - Instance of non-material contradiction
"...The inconsistencies are neither material nor substantial in the question of whether or not the deceased died on the date in question and by whose hand and with intention to…