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See Also:
- ESTOPPEL: Issue Estoppel - When Issue estoppel arises in a subsequent suit
“Issue estoppel arises in a subsequent suit when the issue involved in the later suit has been raised and distinctly determined in a previous suit between the same parties or…
- ESTOPPEL - Types of estoppel - "Cause of action estoppel" and "Issue estoppel" - Distinction between:
EBBA & ORS V. OGODO & ORS (2000-LCER-11928-SC) "Issue estoppel was again considered by this court in Fadiora v. Gbadebo (1978) 3 SC 219, 228-9 where this court, per Idigbe…
- EVIDENCE - ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE - What determines the issue of admissibility of evidence
"I think that admissibility should be based on relevance and not proper custody. Once a matter, be it a document or oral evidence is relevant, it is admissible. Proper custody…
- ESTOPPEL: Meaning and Nature of Issue Estoppel
“An issue estoppel is in the realm of legal principles or legal interpretation of terms of art and inference drawn therefrom and consequently a ground of law. See the classification of grounds…
- ESTOPPEL - Meaning of estoppel
"Having so admitted the Appellant's ownership of the disputed piece of land, the Respondent in my view is estopped from denying the Appellant's ownership of the disputed piece of land by…