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See Also:
- EVIDENCE - Estoppel - Nature of estoppel
"Estoppel is part of the law of evidence. It is no other than a bar to testimony. Its sole function or office is either to place an obstacle in the…
- EVIDENCE - Estoppel - Nature of estoppel
" London Joint Stock Bank v. Macmillan (1918) A.C. 777 Viscount Haldane at p.818 observed:- "Estoppel is hardly a rule of what is called substantive law in the sense of…
- EVIDENCE - ESTOPPEL - Whether estoppel must be pleaded
"it is a correct statement of the law to say that estoppel per rem judicatam should be specifically pleaded by the party seeking to rely on it" Per MARY UKAEGO…
- EVIDENCE - CONTRADICTION IN EVIDENCE - Nature of a contradictory statement/evidence:
"As rightly submitted by learned counsel for the respondent, a piece of evidence is said to contradict another where it states or affirms the opposite of that other piece of…
- ESTOPPEL - Meaning of estoppel
"Having so admitted the Appellant's ownership of the disputed piece of land, the Respondent in my view is estopped from denying the Appellant's ownership of the disputed piece of land by…