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See Also:
- COURT, EVIDENCE - Evaluation of Evidence - Duty of court to properly evaluate the totality of the evidence before it
AGIP (NIG) LTD V. ATTORNEY GENERAL OF LAGOS STATE (1977-LCER-1131-SC) “We are also of the view, that it is the duty of a court in arriving at its decision to properly…
- EVIDENCE - EVALUATION OF EVIDENCE - Duty of the trial court thereto - When the appellate Court may interfere with:
“Clearly, the evaluation and ascription of probative value to the evidence adduced by the parties is the primary duty of the trial Judge seized of the matter. Ordinarily, the appellate…
- JURISDICTION - JURISDICTION OF THE COURT OF APPEAL - Exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal
"There is no doubt whatsoever that the judgment in Appeal No. CA/E/80/88 was given by a Court of Competent jurisdiction. The Court below is by virtue of Section 240 of…