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See Also:
- EVIDENCE - CONFESSIONAL STATEMENT - Whether a Court can convict on a voluntary confessional statement
"When found to have been voluntarily made, a confessional statement is enough to ground the conviction of an accused person. See FULANI M. V. STATE (2018) LPELR - 45195 (SC);…
- EVIDENCE - CONFESSIONAL STATEMENT - Purpose of the test for determining the truth of a confessional statement
"The six tests laid down for verification of the confessional statement before evidential weight can be attached to them are prescribed to ensure that the confession is corroborated and safe…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Confessional Statement – Meaning and nature of confessional statement
“Section 28 of the Evidence Act, 2011 defines confession thus: A Confession is an admission made at any time by a person charged with a crime, stating or suggesting the…