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See Also:
- EVIDENCE: Circumstantial Evidence - Meaning and nature of Circumstantial Evidence
"Circumstantial evidence is a testimony not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts in controversy, but of other facts from which deductions are drawn, showing indirectly the…
- LAND LAW - Ownership of Land - Whether acts of possession and enjoyment of land are evidence of ownership to land
"There is ample evidence of long possession and acts of ownership by the plaintiffs, and his ancestors before him, extending over a sufficient length of time, numerous and positive enough…
- EVIDENCE: Traditional Evidence - Evaluation of Traditional Evidence and Cross-Examination
"The judge's assessment of traditional evidence and cross-examination methods came under scrutiny. Misdirection regarding the level of activity by one party and the improper use of evidence from previous proceedings…
- EVIDENCE: Circumstantial Evidence - Nature and Concept of Circumstantial Evidence
“The law in relation to circumstantial evidence has long been settled beyond dispute or controversy. But it is the application of the law that is often the cause of dispute…
- EVIDENCE: Admissibility and Probative Value – Whether every admitted document has equal probative value
“As rightly submitted by learned counsel for the respondents, the admissibility of a document and the weight to be attached to it are two different things. While admissibility is based…