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See Also:
- EVIDENCE - BURDEN OF PROOF/ONUS OF PROOF - Effect of failure to discharge the burden of proof placed on a party
"...Therefore when the defendants introduced their pleadings, issues that would convert him to be a claimant/plaintiff on such issues, it is his duty to prove the existence of such facts…
- EVIDENCE - BURDEN OF PROOF/STANDARD OF PROOF - Burden and standard of proof in criminal cases; whether the burden of proof on the prosecution can shift to the accused person
"In answer to the question raised in the issue under discourse, it was to be said that whenever anybody is charged with the commission of a criminal offence, the onus…
- EVIDENCE - ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE - Appropriate time to object to the admissibility of evidence, effect of failure to do so
"... whether in view of the provision of Section 209(1) of the Evidence Act, the two lower Courts were right to have relied on the testimony of PW3 to convict…