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See Also:
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Uncorroborated Confessional Statement - Whether the Court Can Convict on an Uncorroborated Confessional Statement
“In Oseni v. State supra, this Court in considering the question whether the trial Court can convict on uncorroborated confessional statement held that even without corroboration, a confession is sufficient…
- CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURE: Confessional Statement - Retracted Confessional Statement - Effect of a retracted Confessional Statement
"The retraction of the confessional statement by the appellant did not change the situation in the light of the statement being direct, positive and related to acts, knowledge or intention,…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE: Confessional Statement - Whether an Accused Can Be Convicted Solely on His Confessional Statement
"It is now settled law that a confessional statement is the best evidence to prove a charge or offence charged and that an accused/appellant can be convicted solely on his…