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See Also:
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - OFFENCE OF CULPABLE HOMICIDE PUNISHABLE WITH DEATH - Whether an accused person can be convicted for the offence of culpable homicide punishable with death where the prosecution failed to establish intention to cause the death of the deceased
"In order to secure a conviction for culpable homicide punishable with death, the prosecution must prove the mens rea of the offence i.e that the act of the accused, which…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - OFFENCE OF CULPABLE HOMICIDE PUNISHABLE WITH DEATH - Whether an accused person can be convicted for the offence of culpable homicide punishable with death where the prosecution failed to establish intention to cause the death of the deceased
"Criminal intent, or intention, to cause the death of the deceased is the centre piece, or the kernel, of the charge defended by the Appellant. The Respondent was obligated to…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - OFFENCE OF CULPABLE HOMICIDE PUNISHABLE WITH DEATH - Whether an accused person can be convicted for the offence of culpable homicide punishable with death where the prosecution failed to establish intention to cause the death of the deceased
"Criminal intent, or intention, to cause the death of the deceased is the centre piece, or the kernel, of the charge defended by the Appellant. The Respondent was obligated to…