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See Also:
- EVIDENCE - Circumstantial evidence - Meaning and nature of circumstantial evidence
"Yes, there is no direct evidence that Appellant killed the deceased, however, circumstantial evidence, which is evidence of surrounding circumstances of a case, "is capable of proving a proposition with…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE, EVIDENCE - CONSPIRACY to commit an offence - Whether can be inferred from circumstantial evidence:
"His Lordship observed in the leading judgement that, because of the nature of the offence of conspiracy, it is rarely or seldom proved by direct evidence but by circumstantial evidence…
- EVIDENCE - Documentary evidence and oral evidence - The position of the law over conflicting oral and documentary evidence:
"lt is long settled that documentary evidence makes oral evidence more credible, in that documentary evidence serves as a hanger from which to assess oral testimony. See Omoregbe v. Lawani…