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See Also:
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - DEFENCE OF ACCIDENT - When the defence of accident should be raised:
"Under cross-examination, PW1 further testified that "when I asked the accused why he fired the motorcycle rider, he said he was confused". The appellant at that point ought to have…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – DEFENCE OF SELF-DEFENCE – Position of the law on the defence of self-defence
“In his defence as DW1, the Appellant alleged that the deceased took a stick from the veranda of his shop and hit him on the head and he “sustained injuries”…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - DEFENCE/PLEA OF ALIBI - Meaning and nature of the defence of alibi:
"First and foremost, it is clear that the appellant's defence was an ALIBI. This means when a person charged with an offence says that he was not at the scene…