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See Also:
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - OFFENCE OF CRIMINAL FORCE AND ASSAULT - What amounts to the offence of criminal force
"The question now is whether the Appellant used force against PW 1. PW 1 at page 172 of the Record of this appeal testified as follows:- "I went close to…
- CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE – GUILT OF AN ACCUSED PERSON – How to establish/prove the guilt of an accused person
“Now, there are three ways for the Prosecution to prove its case – direct evidence, circumstantial evidence or confession.” Per AMINA ADAMU AUGIE, JSC in LAWALI NASIRU v. THE STATE (2021-LCER-40485-SC)…
- COURT - DUTY OF COURT - Duty of court to consider all the possible defences open to an accused person
"The position of the law is settled that it is an essential principle of criminal trial that the Court should consider any defence to which an accused person is, on…
- JURISDICTION - Challenge of Jurisdiction - When an objection to the jurisdiction of Court can be raised
"Our rules of practice permit the issue of jurisdiction to be raised at any stage of the proceedings up to the final determination of an appeal by this court. This…
- OFFENCE OF CRIMINAL FORCE AND ASSAULT - What amounts to the offence of criminal force
CRIMINAL LAW AND PROCEDURE - OFFENCE OF CRIMINAL FORCE AND ASSAULT - What amounts to the offence of criminal force: