COURT – JURISDICTION – Importance of jurisdiction


“Jurisdiction has been characterised as a threshold, live-wire, blood et al of an action. In the case of UTIH VS ONOYIVWE (1991) LPELR-SC.160/1988, this Court had aptly postulated: Jurisdiction is blood that gives life to the survival of an action in a Court of law and without jurisdiction, the action will be like an animal that has been drained of its blood. It will cease to have life and any attempt to resuscitate it without infusing blood into it would be an abortive exercise. Per Bello, CJN @ 46 paragraphs C- D.” Per SAULAWA, JSC in APC & ORS v. ESIEC & ORS (2021-LCER-40460-SC) (Pp 64 – 65 Paras D – A).

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