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See Also:
- JUSTICE SYSTEM: Appeals and Miscarriage of Justice
"An appellate court will review the use of evidence and the conduct of the trial to ascertain if there has been a miscarriage of justice. Even if procedural or evidential…
- JUSTICE - Administration of Justice - Guiding principles in the administration of justice
"We are of course not oblivious of the rules of principle involved and the case of Regina v. Smith is no less an authority on the principles of intervention on…
- INTERPRETATION OF STATUTES: Application of Provisos and Miscarriages of Justice
"The Court must carefully consider the application of statutory provisos that allow for the upholding of a conviction despite procedural or substantive errors, particularly in situations where the misapplication of…
- INTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - RULES OF INTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Guiding principles in interpretation of statutes
"... Lord Campbell L.C. said in Liverpool Borough Bank v. Turner (1860) 2 De G.F. & 1502 at pp. 507 and 508- "It is the duty of Courts of justice…
- INTERPRETATION OF STATUTE - Rules of Interpretation of Statute - Guiding principles in interpretation of statutes
"... as a general rule of construction of statutes it is not permissible to supply omissions therein, even where such omissions are patently unintentional; yet if particular words of the…