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See Also:
- COURT - Discretion of Court - How judicial discretion should be exercised
"It is true, of course, that the Court should bear in mind when exercising its discretion the interests of the parties and the justice of the case, and should exercise…
- DAMAGES: Award of Damages - Judicial Discretion In Awarding Damages - Exercise of Judicial Discretion
"Taking everything into account, and perhaps erring on the side of generosity, I would say £2,000 would have been the right award, and propose allowing the appeal and varying the…
- COURT - COMPETENCE OF COURT - When will a Court be said to be competent; effect of defect in competence of Court
"It is trite that a Court is competent to exercise its jurisdiction when: (1) It is properly constituted as regards numbers and qualifications of the members of the bench, and…
- COURT - Discretion of Court - How a court should exercise its discretion in granting reliefs of parties
"...The short answer to Mr. Sonoiki's contention is that, however wide the discretion of the Court may be under this Rule; the cardinal principle is that such power must be…
- COURT - DUTY OF JUDGE - Duty of a Judge to be impartial
"...The learned trial Judge thus had erred in stepping into the arena and usurping the prosecutor's undoubted function. Every counsel, in the course of performing his professional duties, has enormous…