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See Also:
EVIDENCE - CONFESSIONAL STATEMENT - Whether an accused person can be convicted based on his confession; Whether it is desirable to have some other evidence other than the confession:
- EVIDENCE - CONVICTION ON CONFESSIONAL STATEMENT - Whether a court can convict solely on the confessional statement of an accused person
ENAJIKE OKEREMUTE v. THE STATE (2021-LCER-40493-SC) "...The statement reproduced above is a positive and unequivocal narration of the events that took place on the fateful day straight from the horse's…
- EVIDENCE - CONVICTION ON CONFESSIONAL STATEMENT - Whether a court can convict solely on the confessional statement of an accused person
ENAJIKE OKEREMUTE v. THE STATE (2021-LCER-40493-SC) "In the instant case, the trial Court relied heavily on Exhibit B, the confessional statement of the Appellant as well as the circumstantial evidence…